We introduced our departments to high schools
07 Haziran 2018 Perşembe 08:43 tarihinde yayınlandıWe attended to introductory seminers of The Faculty of Engineering for high schools between 2nd May 2018 and 8th May 2018.
For high schools; Şanlıurfa Fen Lisesi, TOBB Fen Lisesi, ÇEAŞ Anadolu Lisesi, Urfa Anadolu Lisesi, H. Sebiha Özlek Anadolu Lisesi, Fatma Zehra Kız Anadolu Lisesi, Şanlıurfa Kız Anadolu İmam Hatip Lisesi, Emine Göncü Anadolu Lisesi, GAP Anadolu Lisesi,Tes-İş Anadolu Lisesi, Şanlıurfa Eyyüp Göncü Anadolu Lisesi, Şehit Tanju Sakarya Anadolu Lisesi, Orhan Gazi Anadolu Lisesi, Hatice Kübra Kız Anadolu Lisesi, Şanlıurfa Anadolu İmam Hatip Lisesi; visited to introduce the Faculty of Engineering, we intorduced our industrial engineering department as well. For detailed news, please click the link.