Established in 1996 under the name of the music department faculty, Sanliurfa, Turkey as it is in all it took the name of a music teacher chapter in 1998, and finally in 2008 the Faculty of Education HRU connected to fine arts education department, music department has been restructured.
Since its establishment, the department has been playing an important role in shaping and developing music education in Turkey on the way to reaching the “Contemporary civilization level” drawn by the great leader Atatürk.
After the condition of a certain success score from TYT, students are admitted to the department with a special aptitude exam that includes the dimensions of musical hearing, musical playing and musical singing.
Instruments that fall within the scope of individual instrument education and training in the Department of Music Education can be classified as follows.
* String Instruments (Violin, Viola, Cello)
* Keyed Instruments (Piano)
* Stringed Instruments (Guitar)
* Plectrum Instruments (Bağlama, Kanun)
* Woodwind Instruments (Flute)
The Department of Music Education has opened to the public with its repertoire consisting of local, regional and universal music samples by giving public concerts in addition to the concerts it gives within its own structure. In addition, the Fine Arts High School continues its educational activities and concert activities in cooperation with the THM Choir of the Ministry of Culture. The Department continues to increase its activities by giving concerts in the districts with its orchestra and choir.
Students who graduate from the department work as teachers in public or private schools affiliated with the Ministry of National Education; they can have academic career opportunities with graduate education opportunities, and they can also work as art consultants in various public and private institutions /organizations.
Our mission in the field of Music Education, National Savings and international monitors, implements, of the information society ready to innovate, music Music's musical thinking skills the individual in each level will receive education to develop and provide education that is appropriate to the nature and structure of music, is to train teachers and academics.
Our vision is to become a research and educational institution that represents success in the field of music education in the national and international community and to contribute to the increase of people with musical culture in society.