2. Virtual Reality Workshop Held 
A workshop on educational applications of virtual reality that has become one of the most indispensable sectors in recent years has been organized at Harran University. The 2. Workshop on Virtual Reality held at the Blue Salon of Osmanbey Campus is part of an ERASMUS+ project that aims at strengthening research and  training opportunities for virtual reality applications in the private and government sector.
In his opening speech, the rector of Harran University, Professor Dr. Ramazan Taşaltın, mentioned "Today, virtual reality is used for many educational purposes starting from pilot training to design an simulation. As Harran University, we want to make use of all the opportunities that technology has provided us in the field of education. There has been a bad perception here in Turkey. When you want to do what a university needs to do, some say you are not capable of doing it. Why? Because if your name is Harran University, you become a victim of a bad perception. For example, we have our high performance computer centre. Academicians from Istanbul and Ankara who use our centre for their sophisticated processings say this to us. We will destroy this perception. We will also prove that everything that needs to be done is done here." he said. Assist. Professor Dr. Fred Baris Ernst, lecturer at Faculty of Engineering and project manager, explained the history of Virtual Reality and gave information about different technologies used today.
After the opening speeches, the first workshop session was conducted by Prof. Dr. Saffet Erdoğan. Assist. Prof. Dr. Dursun Akaslan, Assist. Prof. Dr. Fred Barış Ernst and Project Assistnat Songül Akdağ made presentations. During the second workshop session, the participants could express their ideas on the special needs of their respective faculties. Deans of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Fine Arts, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences and Faculty of Theology and a large number of academicians and students attended.