Software Engineering is the discipline of developing and maintaining software systems that behave reliably and efficiently, are cost-effective to develop and maintain, and meet all requirements that customers have defined for them. Software Engineering has evolved in response to factors such as the increasing influence of large and expensive software systems in a wide variety of situations and the increasing importance of software in security-critical applications. Software engineering differs from other engineering disciplines due to both the intangible nature of software and the discontinuous nature of the software process. It aims to integrate the principles of mathematics and computer science with the engineering applications developed for concrete, physical works.
Offering one or more courses related to software engineering in an undergraduate program that provides education and training services as Computer Science,
Offering courses related to software engineering as an undergraduate program providing education and training services as Software Engineering,

In this context, they can see that it takes place in universities. Today, programs called Computer Science and Software Engineering have one common course. However, software engineering students learn more about software reliability and maintenance and focus more on correct software development and maintenance techniques from the start. While computer science students have probably heard of the importance of such techniques, the engineering knowledge and experience provided in software engineering programs goes beyond what computer science programs can provide.


Placeholder Harran University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Software Engineering, Osmanbey Campus, Haliliye, Şanlıurfa, Türkiye
+90 414 318 1378