Association for Evaluation and Accreditation of Engineering Programs (MÜDEK), is a non-governmental organization operating for the purpose of contributing to the enhancement of quality of engineering education in Turkey by means of the accreditation and evaluation of and providing information services for engineering education programs in different disciplines. 

MÜDEK was initially established with a name Engineering Evaluation Board as an independent, non-governmental platform in 2002 by the Engineering Deans Council (MDK), which is formed by the deans of faculties administering engineering education programs in Turkey and TRNC, in order to prepare and conduct a comprehensive program for the evaluation of engineering undergraduate programs run by these faculties. MÜDEK became an association in 2007. 

Except MÜDEK administrative staff, indivuduals participate in MÜDEK boards, committees, working groups, and accreditation evaluation teams work on voluntary basis without any pay. 
MÜDEK Accreditation Officially Approved
Click here for the MUDEK web page

MÜDEK Accreditation Officially Approved (September 30, 2023 - September 30, 2026)

Click here for the relevant link.

At the end of External Evaluation which was initiated in 2011 and completed on 08-10 March 2015 was performed by MÜDEK, our department was awarded to take MÜDEK Accreditation, and related approved documents about accreditation were arrived at our department on 01 July 2015. After the interim evaluation implemented in 2017, validation duration of accreditation was extended until 30 September 2020. In 2020, validation duration of accreditation was extended until 30 September 2021. 


Harran University Faculty of Engineering Department of Civil Engineering
Osmanbey Campus
PK 153 63000, Şanlıurfa
0 414 318 30 00/1769 (Secretary)
0414 3183799