The students who will apply to the makeup examinations for the 2022-2023 Fall Semester Quizzes must complete their application by 08.12.2022 Thursday 16:00. The application forms must be submitted to the department secretary. The exam dates for the makeup examinations will be announced on 12.12.2022, Monday. The students have to follow the website of the civil engineering department for further updates. 

The makeup examinations will be held according to the Harran University Education and Examination Regulation for Associate and Bachelor's Degrees. 
Please CLICK HERE for the Exam Regulation.
Please CLICK HERE for the Senate Approval Document on the makeup exams.

  1. Please read the Senate Approval Document Clause 9.4 carefully. 
  2. Please read the Exam Regulation Chapter 5., Clause 20.9 carefully.


Harran University Faculty of Engineering Department of Civil Engineering
Osmanbey Campus
PK 153 63000, Şanlıurfa
0 414 318 30 00/1769 (Secretary)
0414 3183799